Nature is inspirational!! The lushness of a thick, green lawn; the gracefull ease in which a tall tree stands as its branches sway in the wind; the delicate pattern of a bed of flowers planted so carefully or the random pattern of a field of wild flowers. Design cues can be taken from all of these!!
Nature is the best designer. Look at how well she blends and combines colors!! The greens of the trees works with the blues of the sky, works with the browns of the soil and rocks, works with the pastels of the flowers.... She is not afraid of any color scheme and it is all done with such ease. You prefer monochromatic; look at the subltle hues of a group of shells. The varying shades of the light and bright neutrals along with the variety of textures, some nubby, some smooth, some crinkled, make for a very interesting display. The variety of textures and subtle neutrals makes for a palate full of life, not a sterile environment.
Granite or rocks are another great place to get inspiration for a color palate. There is a lot of color in granite that all blend so well together, browns, greens, blues, creams, all in the same hues, making for a wonderful display of color. Granite is like an art piece, colors and layers in such harmony you can almost see movement. If the color works so well together on the piece of stone, just think of how those colors can pull your home together; giving the flow of color from room to room, that so many are trying to achieve.
Next time you are stuck trying to select a color palate, take a cue from nature. If the hues of the colors please you there, chances are they will work in your home. Natures luxurious color palate can become yours!!
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